Studio Stockholm welcomes Fanny Stenberg to the studio
Just the other week, Studio Stockholm had the pleasure of welcoming Fanny Stenberg to the studio. With her extensive experience, Fanny combines knowledge in experience-driven architecture, concept development and sustainability with an ability to grow teams and coach individuals. In other words, a great match for the studio who is looking to further strengthen its offering by broadening, and deepening, the scope.
Hi Fanny, welcome to the studio! Would you like to tell us a bit about yourself?
First of all, thank you! Yes, I am Fanny – a curious, passionate and driven Architect with a genuine interest in how our social interactions and different activities are connected to our physical environment. Architecture and other art forms, culture and social science have always fascinated me and been my focus. I usually get the feedback that I am a visionary, who inspirers and evokes new thoughts and ideas. I was born in Stockholm, but Copenhagen is my second hometown. This is also where I studied, at The Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture.
What was it that sparked your interest in Studio Stockholm?
As a colleague in the same industry, I have followed the studio developing: exciting projects, a good mix of competencies and nice people. We have the same approach and view on architecture – what it represents, what values it should contribute to etc. – I am really excited we are now teaming up together!
You have previously been working a lot with experience-driven architecture and retail – how do you hope to make use of that in your new role at the studio?
Human behavior, or “architectural psychology”, is a common thread throughout everything I do. This is what led me to work with brand building, retail and the environmental experience, and also how destinations are established, and flows are created. Our behaviors and needs are constantly changing, and today we orient ourselves through more channels than ever. For example, almost all customer journeys today start digitally. From a customer perspective, the physical and digital worlds are totally intertwined. I see a lot of synergy and possibilities in these new ways and new behaviours that are being created. In many aspects this means that the physical experience becomes even more important, and we can effectively affect the well-being of people.
My knowledge and competence within experience-driven architecture can be directly applied to all areas where people live, work and are active.To me, architecture is a tool that helps improve our physical environment in all scales and areas – from the totality and urban planning to the detail and hands-on design.
The “Why” is central. What is the actual core of the problem to be solved, and for whom? As my colleagues at Studio Stockholm, I take a large interest in the client’s business. It’s crucial to define the purpose and the success criteria to be able to create solutions that meet and support the business objectives in the best way possible – both from the perspective of function, cost efficiency, sustainability and aesthetics. In the end it is the totality of all these parameters and how the physical environment appeal to the people using it, that proves if the result was successful or not. Evaluation and constant learning are therefor vital.
You have also worked a lot with sustainability – what would you say are the key issues in the industry right now?
Circular economy and waste management is the fundamental keys right now. We need to work and think circularly, purpose-oriented, long-term and choose materials and techniques that do not waste energy and materials. Sustainability is about acting strategically, consciously and with a long-term perspective.
In our industry, working with built environments, the challenge is to find ways act long-term despite short-term budget goals and quarterly reports. One way is to invest wisely, consciously and “do the right thing from the beginning” – i.e., to have an anchored and well worked through strategy. For a good result, it is crucial to do extensive preparatory work and an analysis of purpose, goals and expectations. You need to consider “after-life” for materials from start, and behaviours and needs will change over time. You need to plan for functions to be replaced when the context develops. To work sustainable have proven to also be cost efficient in the long run.
I believe that Architects have an important role in this. We are used to managing and understanding how “measurable and immeasurable qualities” are connected, and we can show the way in how sustainability is also a way of practicing and acting. Sustainability is changing our behaviors, expectations and values.
Finally, what do you look forward to the most with joining the studio?
I look forward to new exciting projects, be part of the wonderful team and to contribute and develop in a new context. I also look forward to the change of neighborhood – I used to live at Södermalm, so it is a dear “reunion”.